Thursday, 25 February 2010

FW: Mixed hockey



From: Robert Warner []
Sent: 25 February 2010 10:00
To: Price, Tina
Subject: Mixed hockey


                             Worthing college 6 Sussex downs 8
             "The rollercoaster ride that is the Worthing College Hockey Academy"         Scorers: Charlotte White X 2, Luke Helmer X 2 Charles McCall, Daisy Payne X 1
                                  M.O.M Sophie Wheeldon
Worthing showed great guts and determination to come back from a 7-1 deficit to a 7-6 score line, and could have quiet easily gained an honourable draw or even could have won the game, but a last gasp goal scored by the opposition put paid to that. To many errors and mistakes in the first half gave Sussex downs a 7-1 lead at half time, which it seemed Worthing would never recover from, the match wasn't over yet and we clawed their way back into the game, much to the annoyance of Sussex downs, so close yet so far!             
Worthing at this moment in time have turned themselves into a "second half team" always forfeiting the first half and seem at this moment in time to a team that are on a real "rollercoaster ride" we need to compete more in the first half and to stop making so many mistakes, next Wednesday we are competing in the Sussex Sixes Tournament and could do well if we cut down on our errors!

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