Thursday, 22 April 2010

Worthing 25 Hartpury 25


The winter has come and gone, the season drawn to an end,

Worthing College rugby squad honour to still defend.

As from the west a mighty foe from nations far and wide,

Descend upon the field of dreams a place nowhere to hide.

For battle day was bestowed unto the warriors of this place,

A victory desired hearts and souls fired conflict with most haste.


A start so fine that from the line the Bush did cross to score,

To help him out with extra true Metters did strike two more.

From this point collisions were rough warriors one and all,

Alas the lead Worthing had eroded to none, too small.

The invading hoards bestowed their fury to all that did purvey,

A scene of collisions robust, magnificent this day.


Lead dwindled and gone, stolen from slipping grasp,

Until the end of first half where light was thrown at last.

Upon the plight of Worthing proud players coach and crowd,

As in the far reach of the field the visitors did yield.

Points of five for the try that Sercombe did present,

Unfortunate as touch judges two points did not consent.


The second act was underway and the battle lay to close,

For all that watched the game develop into a win or loss.

Parry, thrust counter and strike nothing left untouched,

It was feared the visitors had much too much for us.

Stones a plenty Worthing showed on D and in attack,

But while conflicts end did draw near could we strike back?


A Dowglass try and Metters kicks got Worthing level best,

As later on the game progressed but could we meet the ultimate test?

In fact yes, no and may be all possibly fitting the bill,

Four trys to three at games conclusion leaving Worthing ill.

More trys they scored and so it was that Worthing lost the match,

More effort impossible no more chances left to catch.


The final tally from the encounter grand,

With people bewildered whilst they stand.

Was Worthing 25 with which Hartpury drew,

Unable to split all the way through.

A draw in name but loss in fact,

We will have forever to live with that.


To reflect upon the event so near yet unreached,

Boys to men my pleasure it’s been to teach.

Two years for some three for more the end now begins,

Children to students while citizens grow men surly lay within,

Thanks to all for efforts made and time invested to train,

In years to come I shall reflect with fondness on this time.



A big thank you to all of the players throughout the rugby squad, congratulations on all your efforts for the season.

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